Seriously, it is. Think about it. An entrepreneur starts working on a “pet project.” Sooner or later, it evolves into that entrepreneur’s “baby.” As that baby gets fed with money and attention, it grows and develops into a company, and even acquires a “personality.” Eventually, that little baby company matures into a full-fledged young enterprise, bringing in cash hand over fist, serving more and more clients, and standing in the doorway of opportunity. The world opens to them. The best and most successful companies continue to grow and develop and transform into powerful corporations, serving millions and even billions through their efforts.
Now we get to the point of this blog post:
Somewhere along the way, that little company has to proclaim itself to the world. It has to earn attention from its market and begin attracting sustainable sales.
To do that, this company must find a voice.
Your company has a specific voice that conveys the message you’re trying to get across to your audience. That voice depends on quite a few factors, including:
- Your industry
- The culture and “personality” of your company and its members
- Your products or services
- Specific advertising and marketing campaigns
- Most importantly – Your client base
Your client base should exemplify the type of voice with which your company speaks.
For example, our voice here at Mammoth Marketing is quirky and fun, but with a serious side. We know how to have fun, but serving our clients is (sometimes) serious business. It’s fun for us to throw ideas on the table and run with them, but once the best ideas are chosen, it’s time for “real” work, and we do that well. How do we convey that to you, our audience?
Our ads are usually fun and entertaining, but with a strong underlying message that we’re professionals at what we do. We provide examples of how we get attention with our graphics, headlines, and copy:
We love our clients. When we first meet with a prospective client who is interested in our services, we like to get a feel for their personality. We’ll test the waters and probe comfort levels at first. If the prospective client doesn’t seem like they would be a good fit or if we don’t think we would be able to serve their needs, we help give them as much help and direction as we possibly can during the interview time, thank them for meeting with us, and move on.
This “choosiness” allows us to maintain our own voice and brand within flexible limits. We don’t have to give up our voice or personality to cater to a client’s expectations we really aren’t able to meet.
Each of the Mammoth team writes our emails in our own individual voice. Informal language is pretty common, but it does depend on our clients. Some of our clients prefer very formalized emails, and we adjust accordingly. The same goes for phone calls. We can be ourselves, but we have to flex a little bit depending on who we’re speaking to and the subject matter. Of course, there isn’t anything unusually unique about this; it’s just good client service. This still contributes to Mammoth’s voice.
Take a few minutes and think about your company’s voice. What does your audience perceive? Read your communications and advertisements and place yourself in your client’s shoes. Do you like how you’re being spoken to? If not, consider trying something different.
Every great blog post has a Call to Action (CTA). Here’s ours: We’re an agency that likes to try new things and grow in unexpected ways. If you’d like to learn more about how Mammoth can help your business grow, give us a call to schedule a free consultation. There’s zero obligation, we’d love to chat with you, and you’ll be glad you called.
Aaron Cottle is an Account Executive at Mammoth Marketing. He gets really excited about helping business owners develop their voice and sales strategy. As a triathlete, his long runs, bike rides, and swims give him plenty of time to mull over marketing ideas for his clients. To learn more about Aaron and the Mammoth crew and what we can do for you, click here.